Rachel’s Blog

The State of Cyberpunk – Kira Magrann
Films and television shows like Max Headroom, Aeon Flux, and Blade Runner were game-designer Kira Magrann’s first introduction to cyberpunk. She loved the aesthetic of the cyberpunk - the tall, brooding buildings, the glow of neon, and the slow moving shots. She also...

The State of Cyberpunk – Garrett Calcaterra
This post is part of the State of Cyberpunk series. I met Garrett Calcaterra at Fog Con, a writer’s convention he was paneling at and where I was working a table in the vendor’s hall. He’d just gotten out of the panel, but he graciously agreed to do an on-the-spot...

But Also, Fight Me: Art in LA
LA, my cyberpunk city. I’ve started ‘fessing up to where I live when I travel to conventions. The result is usually the same: people say “Oh,” give me an appraising look like they’re trying to decide if they can get away with what they’re about to say, and then...

The State of Cyberpunk – Matthew Cox
This post is part of the State of Cyberpunk series. Matthew Cox was twelve when he first discovered William Gibson’s Neuromancer and immediately fell in love with the genre’s vivid imagery and iconic aesthetic. The integration of biology with technology fascinated him...

The State of Cyberpunk – Brian Woodruff
This blog post is part of the State of Cyberpunk series. The striking visuals and digital landscapes of cyberspace were what first drew Brian Woodruff to the genre of cyberpunk, through such works as William Gibson's Neuromancer and Count Zero, as well as the writings...

The State of Cyberpunk – Fraser Simons
This blog post is part of the State of Cyberpunk series. Fraser Simons has read more cyberpunk than anyone I have ever met or interviewed to date. His introduction to the genre was Richard Morgan’s Altered Carbon, which has also been made into a popular Netflix show....

The State of Cyberpunk – Hamish Cameron
This blog post is part of the State of Cyberpunk series. Hamish is best known for his creation of The Sprawl, a tabletop RPG where high-tech low-lives - through cunning, luck, or sheer brute force - make runs against ruthless, powerful corporations and sometimes even...

The State of Cyberpunk: An Introduction
When I sent out the first batch of request for interview to cyberpunk creators a little over a month ago, I had some idea that I’d do five or six of them, get some interesting insights, do a meta-write up on what I’d learned, and call it a series. I was younger and...

Data Point of One: Working With a Cover Artist
A couple weeks ago, I got a knock at the door and a package roughly half-as big as I am. The original artwork for the cover of Overclocked had arrived and I was beyond thrilled. If I were a better marketing-person, I would have done an unboxing video or something, but...

A Toast to a Bullshit Year
2017 was, in many ways, a bullshit year, politically and, for me, on a personal level. An uninsured driver totaled our only car, I got shingles, my husband’s grandfather passed, a number of friends went through and are still going through severe medical and financial...

About the Author